Coach’s Corner with Bob Lisanti – Tuesday, April 12th

April 12, 2016 | BJES

Coach’s Corner with Bob Lisanti – Tuesday, April 12th

Baseball is a game where we can feel good one-day, and horrible the next. As coaches, we need to look at drills, technique, mental approach as a daily process that will allow the player to feel good that day, and when they wake up the next day, they have to do it all over again.  Baseball has a funny way of hitting the reset button.  For a player, this process will never end.  It is the nature of the game and can never be changed.  We have to build that process for every player we coach.

Baseball is also a game of inherent failure, more so than any other sport.  As a consequence, it is very difficult both to learn and to teach.  In order to effectively accomplish both, we must focus on the “why” just as much as the “what!”  As a coach, you need to sell what you’re teaching to your player so he can have conviction in that approach and use it every day, even while he’s struggling.   It’s imperative that every player understand not only how to execute a certain technique, but also why it is beneficial in both the short and long term.  They need to buy into the process!  So “how” we teach is just as important as “what” we teach!

-Bob Lisanti

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