B.S.F. Pitching Performance

  • Ages 12-18+
  • Year Round

BSF Pitching Performance Overview

B.S.F. Pitching Performance is individualized training specific to Pitchers in a supervised group environment. A pitcher’s program is individually designed with the goal to optimize a pitcher’s ability to understand their own limitations and the process behind maximizing their abilities with a routine-oriented, system-based approach. Our flexible training model allows athletes to train 6x a week at a time that works best for their schedules, so participation and effectiveness are maximized. Our routine-oriented, system-based approach includes soft tissue and mobility work, corrective movements, a medball program, a pre-throw routine, a throwing program, leg drive drills, arm care, and performance training (strength); all powered by the TrueCoach App. Pitchers also have access to our bullpen area(s) and Rapsodo technology.

*All memberships are automatically billed on a monthly basis.  Requires valid credit card on file.

*Memberships are automatically renewed unless we receive prior written notice.

Ages: 12 & up
Sport: Pitchers
Availability: Open 6x per week. Hours vary based on the season. Click here for current hours.


Metric Camps

The Metric Screening Camp is an introduction to our BSF Pitching Performance Program and where athletes test their force production numbers with our BSF pitching instructors and our state-of-the-art technology.

The camp will show how well the athlete can accelerate their body mass and compare their data numbers with professional level standard force numbers.

Athletes cannot register for the program without attending a Metric Camp.

This testing will be used to create the athlete’s programs. Athletes only need to sign up for one Metric Camp.

When: Saturdays, 2:30-6:00pm

*Parents are welcome to attend the educational powerpoint presentation at the end of each metric camp.  (Start time is approx. 5:00pm)

Register Now

Membership Pricing

2-Week: $250

Month-to-Month: $400/month

3-Month Commitment: $325/month

12-Month Commitment: $250/month

Click here to sign up for a BSF Pitching Membership

Remote Membership Pricing

Month-to-Month: $400/month

Click here to sign up for a REMOTE Pitching Membership


Looking for more information?

Contact our Director of BSF Pitching Performance-Ryan McWilliams
