Fall Back into Good Habits
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Fall Back into Good Habits
Welcome back to all of our Cangelosi Fall League players!! It’s a new season, which means it is time to set new personal and team goals. Anybody can sit down and write out goals that they want to set, but it takes handwork, determination, and great leadership skills to actually achieve them individually and as a team. We came across an article written by former coach now motivational speaker, Pat Sullivan, about the most important word when it comes to goals and leadership, and that word is “Work.” We would like all the parents and their children, whether involved with Fall League or not, to take the time to read his article (link below) and truly let his words soak into everything that is apart of your life. Hard work does not only deal with athletes and trying to make it to the top, but for the kids who want to do better in school, the parents who want to make more time for family time, the recent college graduate out looking for a job. Work and leadership are skills that children should start to learn at a young age so that the habit is formed, and sticks with them for their entire life. We appreciate everybody that has signed up and wish you all the best of luck this season.